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Project |04


Welcome back! It's Senior Year. The workload is getting heavier, but nothing I can't handle. I am now News Department Head, so I overlook everything, and I am News Director. I write the script in the morning. I am currently working on a story. Girls soccer new assistant coach is a NHS graduate, so I'm hoping this story turns out well!
Project |05


I have finally finished my story on our new assistant coach. This story didn't come easy, but I pushed through. For starters, Cory wasn't easy to interview. She was extremely nervous and shy. The first interview was not that good, but I worked with what I got. The second interview was a lot better. I got good soundbites from it, along with soundbites from Megan and Kiki. I enjoyed doing this story because I learned new things about Cory and from Cory. She truly impacted our team even in one season. I hope this team continues to learn from past mistakes and keeps working hard and accomplishing new things. Good luck, Coach. #fullthrottle
Project |06


Being in charge is not as easy as it seems. Getting everybody to cooperate does not happen all the time, but when it does, our shows turn out pretty good. There is nothing more annoying than when Dan yells at people. Nobody listens to you when you're nagging in their ears. Yes, Sean Briggs is annoying. Yes, he needs to make more NTT, but if you just yell at him he won't do it. We need to communicate better. Bossing people around doesn't do anything but make people hate you. As long as we ask nicely and get our content done, there is no need to yell at people. (:

Just a sample of my work. To see more or discuss possible work >>

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